Step 4: Create a data view in Minitab Connect

Follow these steps to create a new data view for the table you created in the previous step.
Minitab Model Ops allows 1440 prediction requests per day. If your Connect flow uses a manual or scheduled trigger, the request limits may be reached too quickly. To avoid this issue, you can create a data view that filters out any previously scored records then run the data flow on the view instead of the entire table.

Flows triggered by a Data Event send only new or updated records; thus, do not require this workaround.

  1. Using the table you created in Step 3, open the Prep Tool.
  2. Open the Filters tab, select Add Filter.
  3. Next, define the filter on the column that contains the predicted results. Use the expression, Predicted Is Null.

    Predicted is the name of the column from the previous step.

  4. Select Run.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Under View, select New View. Under Name, enter Predicted Filter.
  7. Select Save.