Import the Random Forests model

Import the Random Forests model that you created in the last step.

  1. Sign in to Minitab Model Ops to open the Model Repository .
  2. Select Import a model.
  3. In Project File, browse to and select the Minitab project that contains the Random Forests model.
  4. If your Minitab project contains multiple models, select the model from Specify the model within the file.
  5. Select Use training data for baseline data to upload the training data with the model.
  6. In Model Name, enter a descriptive name for the model.
  7. Select Import.

Deploy the Random Forests model

Deploy the model that you imported to the Model Repository.

  1. Open the Deployments page.
  2. Select New Deployment.
  3. In Deployment Name, enter a descriptive name for the deployment.
  4. Select Select From Repository then Next.
  5. In Model, select the Random Forests® model as the initial champion model.
  6. Select Create Deployment.

After you deploy the model, either deploy from the Deployments page or open the deployment and select Activate Deployment

Create an API key to access the deployment

Create an API key for access to the deployed model. Access to the endpoint ceases when the API key expires or when an authorized user revokes the API key.
  1. Open the deployment.
  2. Open the Integration tab.
  3. Under API Keys, select Create API Key.
  4. Enter the key name and an expiration date.
  5. Select Create.

Make sure to copy the key to use for the prediction requests.