Report period and date settings

Minitab Model Ops displays the model performance graphs on the Performance tab. Toggle between Drift and Stability to see the deployment graphs.

Report period

The deployment drift and stability reports use the same report periods and start and end dates. You can choose whether to represent the data in a daily, weekly, or monthly period.
Drift and stability metrics are calculated each day and daily values are plotted over time.
Drift and stability metrics are calculated each week and weekly values are plotted over time.
Drift and stability metrics are calculated each month and monthly values are plotted over time.

The Production Data Period setting on the Settings tab applies to the overall drift status displayed on the Deployments page and does not affect the period on the performance reports.

Start and end dates

The start and end dates of the reports are in UTC time and depend on your start of day settings.

This Drift report contains weekly reports over several months. Select Next or Previous to scroll to a specific Drift report.

The report start date cannot be earlier than the deployment date unless you have added prediction and/or stability data with dates prior to the deployment date. See the following examples:
  • If you create a new deployment on June 1 and have not imported data, the earliest report start date is June 1.
  • If you create a new deployment on June 1 and have imported data from May 1 - 31, the earliest report start date is May 1.

Prediction requests with prior date/time values beyond three months are not logged; thus, are not available in the drift and stability reports. Stability data are logged only if a matching correlation id was found within the last six months.

The report end date cannot be later than today's date. In some cases, the selected report dates may not be available due to the deployment time zone and start of day settings.

This Drift report contains daily reports. Because the deployment time zone and start of day is later than the current time, the report cannot display.

Refresh report data

Minitab Model Ops displays the date and time (in UTC time) of the last report update. If a report is not current, select Refresh Data to update.