Minitab Model Ops supports all the models from the Predictive Analytics Module and certain models from the Regression menu of Minitab Statistical Software.
For more information on the Predictive Analytics Module, go to the Predictive Analytics Module.
  • Analyses from the Predictive Analytics Module (Minitab 20.1 and later)
    • CART® Classification
    • CART® Regression
  • Analyses from the Predictive Analytics Module (Minitab 20.2 and later)
    • Fit Model for TreeNet® Classification
    • Fit Model for TreeNet® Regression
    • Discover Key Predictors for TreeNet® Classification
    • Discover Key Predictors for TreeNet® Regression
    • Random Forests® Classification
    • Random Forests® Regression
  • Analyses from the Predictive Analytics Module (Minitab 21 and later)
    • Discover Best Model (Binary Response)
    • Discover Best Model (Continuous Response)
  • Analyses from the Predictive Analytics Module (Minitab 21.4 and later)
    • MARS® Regression
  • Analyses from the Regression menu (Minitab 21 and later)
    • Fit Regression Model
    • Fit Binary Logistic Model
    • Fit Poisson Model

Models must have 500 predictors or less. For a multinomial response variable, the maximum number of classes is 10.