Supported date/time formats

Minitab Model Ops uses the ISO-8601 standard for date/time formats.
Specifically, Minitab Model Ops uses the following standard Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ

This format is used in the following cases:
  • All API requests. For all prediction and stability requests, Minitab Model Ops assumes the time zone offset is 0. For more information, go to Date/time data requirements.
  • All timestamps on the Model Repository, Deployments, and API key pages.
  • All system and deployment log entries.

For the convenience of your data display, Minitab Model Ops also allows you to set a time zone for individual deployments. Additionally, you can specify when you want the daily report period to start by adjusting the value of the UTC offset. These settings affect only the display of date/time values in your reports and downloaded data. For more information, go to Deployment settings.


UTC does not change with a change of seasons, however, if a time zone observes daylight saving time (DST), Minitab Model Ops adjusts report and downloaded data dates automatically.