Status codes: errors and warnings

Minitab Model Ops provides results from successful prediction and stability requests or provides information on relevant errors and warnings.

Prediction results

A successful prediction request returns predictions (and probabilities for classification models), as well as the status code, and the observation identifier and timestamp, if provided. If a timestamp is not provided, the results include the server time in UTC of the prediction request.
The results include the predicted class value and both the event and nonevent probabilities.

Such as: "predictions":[1],"probabilities":{"0":[0.29806847464300],"1":[0.70193152535699]}

The results include the predicted class value and the probabilities for each class.

Such as: "predictions":[4],"probabilities":{"1":[0],"2":[0],"3":[0.1666667],"4":[0.8333333],"5":[0],"6":[0]}

The results include the predicted response.

Such as: "predictions":[50.271428571428565]

Stability results

A successful stability request returns the actual response and the observation identifier, as well as the status code, and the date from a timestamp, if one exists. If a timestamp is not provided, the results include the server time in UTC of the prediction request.


The following table includes the most commonly used error codes with Minitab Model Ops prediction and stability requests.

ERRORS apply to the entire request. If an error is received, no results are logged.

responseCode Request Type Details
ERROR_DATA_TYPE Both One or more entries has an incorrect data type. Prediction results cannot be logged.

One or more entries has an incorrect data type. Stability results cannot be logged.

ERROR_INVALID_APIKEY Both Your API key is incorrect. Verify that you have entered it correctly.

If the key has expired or has been revoked, you must create a new key to access the deployment.

ERROR_INVALID_OBS_ID Prediction One or more observation ID values are invalid. Results cannot be logged.
ERROR_INVALID_PAYLOAD Prediction The prediction request has no valid columns. Prediction results cannot be logged.
ERROR_MISSING_COLUMNS Stability One or more variable names are incorrect in your request. Stability results cannot be logged.
ERROR_MISSING_OBS_ID Both One or more observation ID values are missing. Prediction results cannot be logged because Observation IDs are set as required in the Settings tab.

One or more observation ID values are missing. Stability results cannot be logged.

ERROR_UNEQUAL_ROWS Both All columns in your request must have the same number of rows. Results cannot be logged.


The following table includes the most commonly used warning codes with Minitab Model Ops prediction and stability requests.

WARNINGS apply to individual rows of the request. If a warning is received, partial results may be logged.

responseCode Request Type Details
WARNING_CHAMPION_MISMATCH Prediction The current champion model was not the deployed champion model for the provided date and time. Prediction results for this row cannot be logged.
WARNING_OBS_ID Both Observation ID value is missing. Prediction results for this row are logged, but are not available for stability reporting.

Observation ID value does not match a logged observation ID value within the last six months. Stability results for this row cannot be logged.

WARNING_SCORE_LIMIT Prediction You have exceeded the daily maximum number of logged prediction results for this model. Minitab Model Ops has a limit of 10,000 data rows per deployment, per day for scoring models.

Depending on when the daily maximum was reached, some prediction results may not have been logged. For more information, go to the next section, "Daily storage utilization".

WARNING_STABILITY_LIMIT Stability You have exceeded the daily maximum number of logged stability results for this model. Minitab Model Ops has a limit of 10,000 data rows per deployment, per day for stability data.

Depending on when the daily maximum was reached, some stability results may not have been logged. For more information, go to the next section, "Daily storage utilization".

WARNING_TIME_RANGE Prediction Timestamp range is not valid. Prediction results for this row cannot be logged. For more information on date/time ranges, go to Date/time data requirements.
WARNING_TIME_VALUE Prediction Timestamp value is not valid. Prediction results for this row cannot be logged. For more information on date/time formats, go to Date/time data requirements.
WARNING_UNKNOWN_REPONSE Stability Actual response is missing or contains a level that does not exist in the model. Stability results for this row cannot be logged.

Daily storage utilization

Minitab Model Ops has a daily maximum scoring limit and a daily maximum stability limit for each deployment.

The following table shows an example of usage and capacity by day. Suppose your subscription allows a daily maximum of 10,000 scoring and 10,000 stability requests per day, per deployment. Because the daily usage is less than the maximum allotment, you have capacity to send in more data for the following dates.
Time stamp Prediction requests Stability requests
June 1 1080 requests utilized; 8920 requests remaining

89.2% capacity available

4500 requests utilized; 5500 requests remaining

55% capacity available

June 2 7200 requests utilized; 2,800 requests remaining

28% capacity available

2100 requests utilized; 7900 requests remaining

79% capacity available

June 3 0 requests utilized; 10,000 requests remaining

100% capacity available

0 requests utilized; 10,000 requests remaining

100% capacity available