When you create new data related to stages, methodologies, current phases, start date, completion date, or due date, be sure to link the new data to existing data fields so that the new data becomes part of the workflow process.
Complete the following high-level steps to make a new methodology available to users or add a new phase to an existing methodology.
  1. In the web app, select Design. If a sandbox is not available, then create one.
  2. Add the new workflow data.
  3. In the sandbox, select Workflow.
  4. Under Data Linking, select Link workflow data.
  5. Link the new workflow data with the field or list field value that you want to associate it with.
  6. Review your changes in the sandbox.
  7. When you are satisfied with your changes, select Publish Changes to push the changes to the live site.

Example of adding a new phase to the DMAIC methodology

Add a "Predefine" phase to the DMAIC methodology, then link the new phase to its corresponding list field so it is available in workflow forms and dashboard reports. After you add a new phase to a methodology, it is good practice to also add the phase to the project template that uses the methodology.


To prevent this example from affecting the live site, discard any changes before you exit the sandbox.

  1. Add a Predefine phase to the DMAIC methodology.
    1. In the sandbox, select Workflow.
    2. Under Methodologies & Phases, in the DMAIC row, select .
    3. Select Add New Phase.
    4. In Phase Name, enter Predefine.
    5. While the new phase is selected, select the gripper and drag the new phase above the Define phase.
    6. Under Reviewers, unselect all roles except for Project Leader.
    7. Under Required Fields, choose Select a field > Project Summary > Scope.
    8. Select Save.
  2. Add the Predefine phase to the Current Phase list.
    1. In the sandbox, select Data Fields.
    2. Under Single-Value Categories, expand Project Summary.
    3. Select Current Phase.
    4. Under Values, select the first row of the table, then select the add button to add a new row.
    5. In the new row, enter DMAIC - Predefine.
    6. Select Save.
  3. Link the new Predefine phase to the new Predefine data field to synchronize the workflow data with forms and dashboard reports.
    1. In the sandbox, select Workflow.
    2. Under Data Linking, select Link workflow data.
    3. In the Link Workflow Data to Fields dialog box, expand Current Phase.
    4. In the Field Value column of the DMAIC - Predefine row, select , then select DMAIC - Predefine to link the new phase to the new data field.
    5. Select Save.
  4. Add the Predefine phase to the DMAIC Project template.
    1. In the sandbox, select Templates.
    2. In the DMAIC Project row, select to open the project template.
    3. Right-click Roadmap and choose Insert Phase.
    4. Enter Predefine.
    5. While the new phase is selected, drag it above the Define phase.
    6. Add the tools required for the new phase.
    7. Save the template.