Create, submit, and view ideas

When workflow is on, users submit a project idea using the designated idea form. You can create an idea in the web app or the desktop app. If necessary, users can create a project that is not regulated by workflow. For more information, go to Start a non-workflow project (if available).

Create and submit an idea

You can create and submit an idea in the web app or in the desktop app.

In the web app

Idea submitters, users, administrators, and data architects can submit an idea in the web app.

  1. Sign in to the web app.
  2. On the Workflow page, select New Idea. The idea form opens in a browser window.
  3. Enter a name for the idea, then complete the form. Be sure to complete any data fields that are required for approval.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select Done Editing.
  6. In the upper-right corner, select Submit to Steering Committee.
  7. Close the browser window to return to the Workflow page.

In the desktop app

Users, administrators, and data architects can submit an idea in the desktop app.

  1. Sign in to the desktop app.
  2. Choose File > New.
  3. Under New Idea, select the Create idea button. The idea form opens in the desktop app.
  4. Complete the idea form. Be sure to complete any data fields that are required for approval.
  5. In the upper-right corner, select Submit / Review.
  6. Enter a name for the idea, then select Save.
  7. Depending on your version of Engage, do the following.
    • Engage 6.3 and earlier: After the Project Workflow dialog box opens in the desktop app, select Submit for Review.
    • Engage 6.4 and later: After the Workflow page opens in the web app, select Submit to Steering Committee.

After you submit your idea

After you submit your idea, Engage assigns the idea to a steering committee and notifies all of its members. All ideas appear in the Idea stage on the Workflow page until a steering committee member approves or rejects them. If you are a steering committee member, go to Review ideas in the hopper.

On the Workflow page, anyone can search for ideas to find and assess similar ideas and foster collaboration among the users who submitted them.


Ideas do not contribute to dashboard reports. Only workflow projects in the Active, Paused, Canceled, and Completed stages and non-workflow projects that are included in the dashboard contribute to dashboard reports.

View and edit your idea

You can view and edit your idea in the web app or in the desktop app.

In the web app

  1. Sign in to the web app.
  2. On the Workflow page, in the Idea stage, select the name of the idea to open it in the web app.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Make any additional changes, then select Save.
  5. Select Done Editing.
  6. Close the browser window to return to the Workflow page.

In the desktop app

  1. Sign in to the desktop app.
  2. Choose File > Open > Project Repository.
  3. Select the Browse button.
  4. In the Open dialog box, select the idea to edit. If you do not see your idea in the list, select refresh or choose a different option from the Viewing drop-down list.
  5. Make any additional changes, then select File > Save.