Manage data fields from the task pane

From the task pane, you can add existing data fields and create new ones. You can also arrange and group the data fields in the task pane.

Add an existing data field

If a data field is in the project, but it is not displayed in the task pane, you can add it.

  1. To open the Add and Arrange Data Fields dialog box, select one of the following options.
    • On the Variables tab, select New. At the bottom of the dialog box that appears, select Add and Arrange Data Fields.
    • In the task pane, at the bottom of any tab, select Add and Arrange Data Fields.
  2. In the Add and Arrange Data Fields dialog box, select an available data field.
  3. Select the right-arrow button to move the data field to the list of data fields that are displayed in the task pane.
  4. Select OK. The selected data field appears in the task pane.

Create a new data field

If the data field does not exist, you can create it.

  1. To open the Add and Arrange Data Fields dialog box, select one of the following options.
    • On the Variables tab, select New. At the bottom of the dialog box that appears, select Add and Arrange Data Fields.
    • At the bottom of the Process tab or the Lean tab, select Add and Arrange Data Fields.
  2. Select the Add Local Field button. Local data fields cannot be used in other projects or in dashboard reports.

    You must be a data architect to update data fields that are used in other projects or in dashboard reports. Select Add, edit, or delete global data fields to open the web app and update global data fields in the sandbox.

  3. Complete the Add Field dialog box, then select OK in each dialog box. The new data field appears in the task pane.

Arrange data fields

You can arrange the data fields to appear as you want in the task pane.

  1. To open the Add and Arrange Data Fields dialog box, select one of the following options.
    • On the Variables tab, select New. At the bottom of the dialog box that appears, select Add and Arrange Data Fields.
    • At the bottom of the Process tab or the Lean tab, select Add and Arrange Data Fields.
  2. Select any of the following options.
    • To create a section for a group of data fields, select the Add Group button, then enter a name for group.
    • To reorder groups and data fields, select the up arrow or down arrow buttons.
    • To add or remove data fields, select the left arrow or the right arrow buttons.
  3. Select OK.