Default and custom data formats

A data format is the arrangement of data fields for a specific shape. After you arrange data fields on a shape, you can save the data format as default or custom.

Save a default data format

A default data format is the arrangement of data for a specific shape type. In your maps, you can save a default data format for all default shapes. For information about how to format a shape to display data, go to Display data on a map.

Process Map Example

Suppose you want process shapes to always display the names of X variables above the shape and the names of Y variables below the shapes. Complete the following steps.
  1. Select a process shape.
  2. Format the shape to display X Variable Name above the shape and Y Variable Name below the shape.
  3. Right-click the process shape you just formatted, then choose Shape Data > Set as Process Shape Default.
  4. Insert a new process shape.
When you add values for X Variable Name and Y Variable Name, they appear beside the shape.

Value Stream Map Example

Suppose you want transport shapes to always display the distance traveled below the shape. The following steps show you how.
  1. Select a transport shape.
  2. Format the shape to display Distance below the shape.
  3. Right-click the process shape you just formatted, then choose Shape Data > Set as Default Data Format.
  4. Insert a new transport shape.
When you add values for Distance on the Other tab in the task pane, they appear beside the shape.

Apply a default data format

You can apply default data formats to existing shapes.

  1. Select the shape.
  2. Choose Map > Data Display, then under Apply a Data Format, select the default data format to apply.

Save a custom data format

After you create a data format, you can save it as a custom data format that you can apply to other shapes.

  1. Right-click the shape that has the format you want to save, then choose Shape Data > Save as a Custom Data Format.
  2. In the New Data Format dialog box, enter a name for the format.
    The custom data format appears in the Data Display menu.

Apply a custom data format

When you apply a custom data format to a shape, it copies the data format from the custom data format to the selected shape.

  1. Select the shape to apply the data format to.
  2. Choose Map > Data Display, then under Apply a Custom Data Format, choose the custom data format to apply.