Create global data fields

Only data architects can create and edit global data fields.

Global and local data fields

Before you create a global data field, consider how you want to view the data in dashboard reports.

Single-value data is data that has only one value per project. For example, use a single-value data field to collect a project's location, owner, or business unit. On the dashboard, single-value data is summarized in graphs and tables.

Data tables contain multiple data points for a single project. For example, use a data table to collect financial data, team members, or tasks. On the dashboard, data from a data table is displayed differently in column sets depending on whether the report is based on projects or tasks. Project reports display data from a data table as a link in a column set. Task reports display data from a Tasks data table as individual rows in a column set.

Managed data for projects refers to critical data, such as financial or savings data, that is specific to a single project. This data is often stored and controlled by users with elevated permissions who are external to the project. To use managed data for a project in dashboard reports, a data architect must first create a table for it in the sandbox. After the table is created and published to the live site, a data manager can import managed data from the Data page in the web app. For information about how to create at a table for managed data, go to Create a table for managed data. For information about how to import managed data, go to Import managed data.


In the dashboard, counts are unique variables that use key date fields, such as Start Date or Due Date, to determine the number of projects or tasks within a specific time interval. For example, you might use the count called Number of Projects Completed, which uses Completion Date to determine the number of projects completed by month, by quarter, this year, and so on.

You can create a new count based on a date field or a formula field that uses date values. You can also change the name or the associated date for existing counts. Counts are only available in dashboard reports. You cannot add them as data fields in form templates.

Create a global data field

Data fields belong to either single-value categories or data tables. Before you create or edit a data field, decide whether to add the data field to a single-value category or a data table. For more information, go to What is a data field?.

  1. In the sandbox, select Data Fields.
  2. Expand the category or data table you want to add the data field to.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the category or data table, then select New field.
  4. Select a field type. For help with selecting a field type, go to Types of data fields.
  5. Select Next: Set Options.
  6. Enter a name for the new data field. To track this new data field on the dashboard, leave Available to dashboard reports selected.
  7. Depending on the field type, select the available options, then select Save.

Example of creating a new global data list field

Create a list field called Organizational Awareness that has High, Medium, or Low as options.

To prevent this example from affecting the live site, discard any changes before you exit the sandbox.

  1. In the sandbox, select Data Fields.
  2. Under Single-Value Categories, next to Project Summary, select .
  3. Select New Field in Project Summary.
  4. Select List with Text selected, then select Next: Set Options.
  5. In Name, enter Organizational Awareness. Because you want to track this metric on the dashboard, leave the Available to dashboard reports option selected.
  6. Under Value, select the second row of the table and enter High, then select the add button . In the new row, enter Medium, then select the add button and enter Low.

    When you add a list of values, keep Include a blank option selected to ensure accurate report results if a list value is deleted. For more information, go to Effects of deleting global data.

  7. Select Add. The new field appears alphabetically in the list of data fields in the sandbox.

Edit a global data field

To edit a global data field, you can select its edit button or you can search for it.

  1. In the sandbox, select Data Fields.
  2. In the search box, enter the name of the data field to edit. Engage narrows the results as you type. The more you enter, the more specific your results become.
  3. Select the result.
  4. In the Edit Field dialog box, make your changes, then select Save.

Example of editing a global data list field

Add "Yellow Belt" to the list of options in the list field, Belt Level.

To prevent this example from affecting the live site, discard any changes before you exit the sandbox.

  1. In the sandbox, select Data Fields.
  2. In the search box, start to type belt level. Engage finds any data field, data table, single-value category, or template that contains the term "belt level".
  3. Select the result.
  4. In the Edit Field dialog box, under Value, hover your cursor over the Green Belt row. Select the add button and enter Yellow Belt.

    When you edit a list field, do not delete existing list values. Instead, make the value inactive. For more information, go to Effects of deleting global data.

  5. Select Save.