What is a dashboard report?

A dashboard report is an aggregated collection of deployment metrics organized into graphs and tables to communicate the status of an organization's entire initiative. Reports provide at-a-glance insight into your entire deployment. Only projects that are included in the dashboard contribute to the reports.

Report components

The following image is an example of a dashboard report.
A dashboard report contains any of the following components.
1: Reports list
A list of available reports organized by private reports that you own, reports that are shared with you, and public reports.
2: Filters
Allows you to focus on a subset of projects or tasks based on a condition, such as region, location, or project status.
3: Summaries
Displays aggregate project or task data, such as the number of projects or tasks in each division or the average duration of projects or tasks. Summaries can also display optional targets.
4: Column sets
Determines the fields that are displayed in the Projects or Tasks list.
5: Projects or Tasks list
Displays a list of all projects or tasks that meet the criteria of the selected filters.
6: Actions menu
Gives you access to common tasks, such as editing, copying, and creating new reports, saving a report as a PDF, and setting default reports.
7: Help button
Opens the Help panel so you can access Help topics and instructional videos. From the Help panel on the Projects page, you can download the desktop app.

Choose a report

You can choose different reports to view different aspects of your deployment.

To choose a different report, select the expand button beside the report name.

The dashboard refreshes approximately every 10 minutes. If projects or tasks do not appear in a report, then the project might have been saved to the repository after the dashboard was refreshed. If the projects or tasks still do not appear after a 10-minute interval, then they might not meet the report's filter criteria.

Set a default report

You can use the company-wide default report that a data architect set, or you can set a private default report.
  • To set a private default report, select the report you want to see after you sign in, then choose Actions > Set as Default Report.
  • To return to the company-wide default report, select your private default report, then choose Actions > Remove as Default Report.

Print a report as PDF

You can print a report as PDF so you can send it to others who do not have an Engage subscription. You can also print a report as PDF to create a snapshot of report data at a specific point in time.

Choose Actions > Print as PDF, then choose your browser's PDF option.