You can use the following conditions to create filters for dashboard reports. The type of field you select determines the set of conditions that are available.
Consider the following rules when using filter conditions.
  • For date fields, when Value is @TODAY@, the filter returns results for the day the filter is applied, not the day it was created.
  • For Text and Formula (Text) fields, a space is not a value. For Rich Edit fields, a space or a hard return is not a value.
  • When the selected time period is within days, results include the current day. When the selected date range is within the quarter or the year, results are based on the fiscal year.

Financial examples use US dollars.

Field Type: Text / Text Formula / Date / Date Formula / List

Returns results that match the specified value, for example, "Project Risk Is Low".

Is Not
Field Type: Text / Text Formula / Date / Date Formula / List

Returns results that do not match the specified value, for example, "Project Risk Is Not Low".

Is Any Of
Field Type: List

Returns results that include any of the specified values, for example, use this condition to find projects in Buenos Aires, London, or San Francisco.

Is None Of
Field Type: List

Returns results that do not include any of the specified values. For example, use this condition to find projects in all locations except London.

Has Value
Field Type: Text / Text Formula / Numeric / Numeric Formula / Date / Date Formula / Rich Text / Memo

Returns results that include any value in the specified field.

Does Not Have Value
Field Type: Text / Text Formula / Numeric / Numeric Formula / Date / Date Formula / Rich Text / Memo

Returns results that do not include any value in the specified field. For example, use this condition to find projects that are missing values in required fields.

Is In
Field Type: Date / Date Formula

Returns results that include date values in the selected time period. For example, use this condition to find projects that are due in the next seven days, or to find projects that were approved in the previous year.

Between Inclusive
Field Type: Numeric / Numeric Formula / Date / Date Formula

Returns results that include values within a specified date or financial range, including the end-points of the range.

In this date example, "Actual Start Date Between Inclusive 1/1/22 and 3/3/22" returns any project that has a start date within the range of 1/1/22 and 3/3/22, including 1/1/22 or 3/3/22.

In this financial example, "Hard Savings (Final) Between Inclusive 1 and 30,000" returns any project that has final hard savings within the range of $1 and $30,000, including $1 or $30,000.

Between Exclusive
Field Type: Numeric / Numeric Formula / Date / Date Formula

Returns results that include values within a specified date or financial range, not including the end-points of the range.

In this date example, "Actual Start Date Between Exclusive 1/1/22 and 3/3/22" returns any project that has a start date within the range of 1/1/22 and 3/3/22, but not including 1/1/22 or 3/3/22.

In this financial example, "Hard Savings (Final) Between Exclusive 1 and 30,000" returns any project that has final hard savings within the range of $1 and $30,000, but not including $1 or $30,000.

Field Type: Text / Text Formula / Rich Text / Memo

Returns results that include the specified value for the specified field. For example, "Project Name Contains Defect" returns Defective Parts, Defects on Paper Line 6, and Reducing Defects.

Does Not Contain
Field Type: Text / Text Formula / Rich Text / Memo

Returns results that do not include the specified value for the specified field. For example, "Project Name Does Not Contain Defect" returns projects that do not include Defect in their names.

Starts With
Field Type: Text / Text Formula

Returns results where the specified field starts with the specified value. For example, "Project Name Starts With Defect" returns Defective Parts and Defects on Paper Line 6, but not Reducing Defects.

Ends With
Field Type: Text / Text Formula

Returns results where the specified field ends with the specified value. For example, "Project Name Ends With Reduction" returns Repackaging Reduction, Grinding Disc Scrap Reduction, and Syringe Molding Waste Reduction, but not Reduction on Line 8.

Less Than
Field Type: Numeric / Numeric Formula

Returns results that are less than the specified value. For example, use this condition to find projects where hard savings are less than $500,000.

Less Than or Equal To
Field Type: Numeric / Numeric Formula

Returns results that are less than or equal to the specified value. For example, use this condition to find projects where hard savings are less than or equal to $500,000.

Greater Than
Field Type: Numeric / Numeric Formula

Returns results that are greater than the specified value. For example, use this condition to find projects where hard savings are greater than $500,000.

Greater Than or Equal To
Field Type: Numeric / Numeric Formula

Returns results that are greater than or equal to the specified value. For example, use this condition to find projects where hard savings are greater than or equal to $500,000.

Equal To
Field Type: Numeric / Numeric Formula

Returns results that are equal to the specified value. For example, use this condition to find projects where hard savings are equal to $500,000.

Not Equal To
Field Type: Numeric / Numeric Formula

Returns results that are not equal to the specified value. For example, use this condition to find projects where hard savings are not equal to $500,000.

Field Type: Date / Date Formula

Returns results that are before the specified date. For example, "Actual Start Date Before 1/1/21" finds projects that start before January 1, 2021.

On or Before
Field Type: Date / Date Formula

Returns results that are on or before the specified date. For example, "Actual Start Date On Or Before 1/1/21" finds projects that start on or before January 1, 2021.

Field Type: Date / Date Formula

Returns results that are after the specified date. For example, "Actual Start Date After 1/1/21" finds projects that start after January 1, 2021.

On or After
Field Type: Date / Date Formula

Returns results that are on or after the specified date. For example, "Actual Start Date On Or After 1/1/21" finds projects that start on or after January 1, 2021.