Work with variables in forms

Learn about forms

Engage offers several types of forms so you can collect data about project. Usually, users enter data in forms, but sometimes, data is shared from other tools, across projects, or with the dashboard.

To learn more about all the forms in Engage, go to Forms.

Add a C&E Matrix

After you identify variables in a brainstorming tool and map your process, you can add a C&E matrix to evaluate and prioritize the potential variables.

  1. From the navigator pane, select Add Tool, then select C&E Matrix (X-Y Matrix).
  2. To add an existing X variable, hold the pointer on the row, select the add/delete button , then select Select Existing X Variables. Either browse through the list of tools or start typing the tool name in the Search box.
  3. In the Data Selection dialog box, select the X variable that you identified in the brainstorming tool and added to the process map.
  4. To add a new Y variable, hold the pointer on the column, select the add/delete button , then select Create New Y Variables. You can add multiple column and specify whether to add to the right or left of the insertion point.
  5. Complete the matrix. To move between fields and table cells, press the Tab key.
    As you add data to the C&E Matrix (X-Y Matrix), Engage creates a Pareto Chart.
  6. Review the Pareto Chart to determine which X variables are likely to have the most impact on your process.
    The weighted value is on the left y-axis, and the percentage is on the right y-axis.

Add a Control Plan

After you identify the problem areas to address, you can use a control plan to create a list of vital inputs to control and outputs to monitor. You can also create a list of tools that you can use to control and monitor these variables.

  1. Form the navigator pane, select Add Tool, then select Control Plan.
  2. Enter any X variables that may affect your process. To add an X variable, hold the pointer on the row, select the add/delete button , then select Create New X Variables.
  3. You can also select variables that you already created in other tools, such as process maps and brainstorming tools. To add an existing X variable to the control plan, hold the pointer on the row, select the add/delete button , then choose the X variable.
  4. Complete the form.

What's next

Learn how the Monte Carlo simulation tool lets you use random data samples to evaluate the behavior of a complex system or process.