Surface flaw data

Engineers at a manufacturing plant discovered that parts are rejected most often because of surface flaws. The engineers meet with members of several departments to brainstorm potential causes for surface flaws.

You can use this data to demonstrate Cause-and-Effect Diagram.

Worksheet column Description
Man Flaws caused by anyone involved with the process.
Machine Flaws caused by the equipment, computers, tools.
Material Flaws caused by supplied materials or other materials in the process.
Method Flaws caused by the operating process.
Measure Flaws caused by measurement systems of the process.
Enviro Flaws caused by environmental considerations.
Training Flaws caused by the training process. This can be a sub-level.
Speed Flaws caused by the speed of the equipment. This can be a sub-level.
Micrometers Flaws caused by using micrometers. This can be a sub-level.