Length of service data

A healthcare provider operates a facility that provides substance abuse treatment services. One of the services at the facility is an outpatient detoxification program where a regular course of treatment can last from 1 to 30 days. A team responsible for projecting staffing and supplies wants to study whether they can make better predictions about the length of time a patient uses services based on information that they can collect about the patient when the patient enters the program. These variables include demographic information and variables about the patient's substance abuse.

You can use this data to demonstrate CART® Regression.

The second data set includes a small number of new data points for the same variables. You can use this data set to demonstrate Predict for CART® Regression.

Worksheet column Description
Age at Admission The age of the patient at admission
Age of First Drug Use The age of the patient at first drug use
Arrests in Previous 30 Days The number of arrests in the 30 days prior to admission
Days Waiting for Service The number of days the patient waits to enter treatment
Previous Treatment Episodes The number of prior admissions
Years of Education The number of years of education
Other Stimulant Use Did the patient report other stimulant usage: 0 or 1
Planned Medication Therapy Does the patient have a plan for medication therapy: 1 or 2
Psychiatric Condition Does the patient have a psychiatric condition: 1 or 2
Pregnant Is the patient pregnant at admission: 1 or 2
Gender Biological sex of the patient: 1 or 2
Veteran Veteran status of the patient: 1 or 2
Alcohol Use Did the patient report alcohol usage: 0 or 1
Cocaine Use Did the patient report cocaine usage: 0 or 1
Marijuana Use Did the patient report marijuana usage: 0 or 1
Heroin Use Did the patient report heroin usage: 0 or 1
Other Opioid Use Did the patient report other opioid usage: 0 or 1
PCP Use Did the patient report PCP usage: 0 or 1
Methadone Use Did the patient report methadone usage: 0 or 1
Other Hallucinogen Use Did the patient report other hallucinogen usage: 0 or 1
Methamphetamine Use Did the patient report methamphetamine usage: 0 or 1
Other Amphetamine Use Did the patient report other amphetamine usage: 0 or 1
Benzodiazepine Use Did the patient report benzodiazepine usage: 0 or 1
Other Tranquilizer Use Did the patient report other tranquilizer usage: 0 or 1
Barbituate Use Did the patient report barbiturate usage: 0 or 1
Other Sedative Use Did the patient report other sedative usage: 0 or 1
Inhalant Use Did the patient report inhalant usage: 0 or 1
Non-Prescription Drug Use Did the patient report non-prescription drug usage: 0 or 1
Other Drug Use Did the patient report other drug usage: 0 or 1
Intravenous Drug Use Did the patient report intravenous drug usage: 0 or 1
Living Arrangements The living arrangements of the patient: 1, 2, or 3
Frequency of Substance Abuse The frequency of substance abuse of the patient: 1, 2, or 3
Health Insurance The type of health insurance of the patient: 1, 2, 3, or 4
Marital Status The marital status of the patient: 1, 2, 3, or 4
Ethnicity The ethnicity of the patient: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Income Source The income source of the patient: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Primary Ingestion Route of Sub The primary ingestion method of the patient: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Self-Help Attendance The self-help attendance of the patient: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Source of Payment The source of payment for the treatment: 1–6
Race The race of the patient: 1–9
Employment Status The employment status of the patient: 1–3, 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500
Referral Source The referral source of the patient: 1–6, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800
Primary Substance of Abuse The primary substance of abuse of the patient: 2-7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, and 19
DSM Diagnosis The diagnosis code of the patient: 1–12, 16, and 19
Length of Service The number of days the patient is in treatment
Fold The fold identifiers for cross-validation