Minitab Connect Support
Step-by-Step Examples
Chapter 1: Overview
Quick Links
The story
Chapter 2: Prepare Your Data for Analysis
Create a custom view of your data
Create a summary view of your data
Send an export of a view by email
Chapter 3: Get Your Data Into Minitab Connect
Ways to add data to a table
Add a new table
Add a new form
Create a connection and schedule the data imports
Modify a data flow
Chapter 4: Push and Pull Your Data to External Applications
Export a MinitabĀ® worksheet
Create a connection to Minitab Model Ops
FTP and SFTP Connectors
Chapter 5: Display Your Data in Custom Graphs
Create a new graph
Modify the spline chart
Using graph options
Use a view to create a graph with a subset of data
Chapter 6: Monitor and Share Your Data with Custom Dashboards
Create a Dashboard
Add a filter to your dashboard
Share the dashboard