Use a SAP DM to communicate and transfer files between a server and Minitab Connect. You need the client ID and secret to access the files and import them into Connect.

Set up a new connection

Complete the following steps to configure the connector between Connect and SAP DMC to transfer data back and forth. Once configured, the SAP DM connector can be used in multiple tables. At minimum, each subscription should have a table for master data and a table for transactional data, although you may have more than 2 tables.

  1. From the Home screen, select the Add button under Tables.
  2. Enter a Name that identifies the table and select a Folder to save the table.
  3. In Datasets, enter SAP and select SAP DM from the results.

  4. Enter a Name that identifies the connection.
  5. Under Setup: [1 of 1], enter the following:
    • Under Client ID, a unique string that represents the registration information provided by a client, the recipient of an access token.
    • Under Client Secret, enter the secret passphrase configured for the client.
    • Under Authentication URL, enter the authorization server that authenticates the client and grants authorization.
    • Under Public API Endpoint, enter the base URL for making calls on public APIs.
  6. Select Save

After you complete the setup, Connect communicates with the server to ensure that the credentials and directories are valid. After the initial connection is made, you can reuse this connection in other tables.

Import the master structure data

Master data includes the company setup data. You must define products, processes, stations, measures with unique identifiers as well as names. You can also include optional default values.

For example, to define a process measure you must provide the following:
  • Product ID
  • Product Name
  • Process ID
  • Process Name
  • Measure Name
You can optionally provide more details, such as:
  • Station ID
  • Station Name
  • Target
  • Lower Specification Limit
  • Upper Specification Limit
  • SAP Deployment Guide
  • Lower Action Limit
  • Upper Action Limit
  • Subgroup Size
  • Control Chart Type
Complete the following steps to configure the structure of your company data.
  1. Go to the Base Tool , and select the Setup tab.
  2. In Setup: [1 of 2]:
    • Select the Plant.
    • Select Master Structure from Import Method.
  3. Select Next.
  4. In Setup: [2 of 2]:
    • Select the Structure to configure. Use Full Mapping to configure all available settings. Full mapping only includes settings with both Work Center and Materials specified.
    • Select the Date Range. Use All to configure all data or select the relevant date range. If you select a custom date range and don't select an end date, Connect uses the current date. All dates are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), regardless of the time zone of the user or the server.
  5. Select Save.

Import transactional data

Transactional data includes the actual data observations that are used to monitor your processes. For example, you have a data collection group that collects 5 collections for length and weight parameters.

Complete the following steps to configure the structure of your company data.
  1. Go to the Base Tool , and select the Setup tab.
  2. In Setup: [1 of 2]:
    • Select the Plant.
    • Select Transactional data from Import Method.
  3. Select Next.
  4. In Setup: [2 of 2]:
    • Select the Data Collection Group to configure.
    • Select the Date Range. The maximum time period for a custom date range is one year. All dates are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), regardless of the time zone of the user or the server.
  5. Select Save.