Value Stream Map Comparison

Use the Value Stream Map Comparison form to compare the value stream of the current state to the future state. Because you can use a value stream map to focus on cycle times and to identify waste, it is a key tool in all lean projects.
The Value Stream Map Comparison answers the following questions.
  • What is the total value added for the current state?
  • What is the total value added for the future state?
  • What steps in the process add value and what steps do not add value?
  • Were steps that did not add value in the current state eliminated or modified in the future state?


Choose all steps from the process maps or equivalent portions of the two processes. Otherwise, the comparison will be biased by the use of incomplete and potentially unbalanced data.

  1. You must have a value stream map with lean data (VA and NVA) for each step in the current state.
  2. You must have a second value stream map with lean data (VA and NVA) for each step in the future state.
  3. In the Current State Map table, choose the current state map, then choose the shape data to add. In most cases, all shapes contribute to the total percentages of value added and non-value added.
  4. In the Future State Map table, choose the future state map, then choose the shape data to add. In most cases, all shapes contribute to the total percentages of value added and non-value added.

For more information, go to Add and complete a form.