Use the True North Metrics form to provide enterprise-wide direction, or guidance, toward improvement. These metrics represent the goals of an organization, not those of an individual event.
The True North Metrics form answers the following questions.
  • What is the global direction of the entire organization?
  • What are the key metrics form all areas of the organization, from the front office to production to shipping to customer support?



Do not create a new form for every project. Copy the current True North Metrics form into the new project, then edit and update it as necessary.

  1. Identify key metrics for each category.
    Human Development
    Some examples include, safety performance, training status, and number of Kaizen events attended.
    Some examples include customer-based quality metrics and internal non-conformance.
    Delivery/lead time
    Some examples include cycle time, speed of process improvement, and lead times for product development.
    Some examples include value-added component of company expenditures, total cost, and inventory turns.
  2. Determine the current status for each metric.
  3. Establish the overall enterprise improvement for the metrics.

For more information, go to Add and complete a form.