Example of stacking worksheets into a master worksheet

A clerk collects sales data each quarter and enters the data in a new worksheet. An accountant wants to add the quarterly data to the worksheet that contains the sales data for the year.

  1. Create and save the following worksheets.


    C1-D C2 C3-T
    Date Sales Source
    January 2,000.00 Q1
    February 2,200.00 Q1
    March 2,210.00 Q1


    C1-D C2
    Date Sales
    April 2,400.00
    May 2,450.00
    June 2,700.00
  2. Choose Data > Stack Worksheets.
  3. From Stack option, select Append worksheets to the bottom of a master worksheet.
  4. From Master worksheet, select Sales_Data.MTW.
  5. Move Q2_Sales.MTW from Available worksheets to Worksheets to stack.
  6. Select Update the following column with the worksheet source name for each appended row.
  7. From Column, select Source.
  8. Click OK.


In the stacked worksheet, the second quarter data is appended to the first quarter data and the Source column is updated with the worksheet name.


C1-D C2 C3-T
Date Sales Source
January 2,000.00 Q1
February 2,200.00 Q1
March 2,210.00 Q1
April 2,400.00 Q2_Sales.MTW
May 2,450.00 Q2_Sales.MTW
June 2,700.00 Q2_Sales.MTW